Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Ancestry India DNA

Ancestry India DNA is your trusted resource for genetic testing, providing insights into your health, traits, and ancestry. Please read these Terms carefully, as they explain how you can use Ancestry India DNA and our affiliated products and services.

Key Sections:

  1. Introduction to Services
  2. Ancestry India DNA Content
  3. Your Content
  4. Renewals and Cancellations
  5. Account Suspension or Termination
  6. No Guarantees or Warranties
  7. Limited Liability
  8. Indemnity

  9. Third-Party Services
  10. Dispute Resolution
  11. Miscellaneous
  1. Introduction to Services:

    By using Ancestry India DNA’s websites, services, and apps (collectively the “Services”), you agree to these Terms. We may add new features, and these will also be covered under the Terms.

    Ancestry India DNA may work with different entities depending on your location. We can change the entity you’re contracting with at any time.

    These Terms also include our Privacy Policy and other guidelines, so please review all documents. If you do not agree to these Terms, please stop using the Services.

    Note: Additional terms may apply for specific offers or promotions. If those conflict with these Terms, the additional terms will apply.

    1.1 Discoveries and Unexpected Results:

    Using our Services, you may uncover unexpected health information or content you find surprising. By using Ancestry India DNA, you assume all risks and agree not to hold us responsible for any emotional, legal, or social consequences of your discoveries.

    1.2 Eligibility:

    You must be at least 13 years old to use the Services with parental consent. You agree to provide accurate, up-to-date information when creating an account.

    1.3 Using Our Services:

    By using Ancestry India DNA, you agree to:

    • Follow our guidelines and the law.
    • Be responsible for any activity on your account.
    • Keep your account information secure.
    • Avoid sharing or using data without proper permissions.

    1.4 DNA Services:

    Ancestry India DNA offers genetic testing to provide insights into your health and ancestry.

    1.4.1 Eligibility:

    You must be of legal age to purchase or register a DNA test. Parents may create accounts and register tests for their children with consent.

    1.4.2 Usage:

    By submitting a sample or DNA data, you confirm it’s your own or for someone you legally represent. You agree not to use these results for medical, legal, or discriminatory purposes.

    1.4.3 DNA Service Process:

    By providing a sample, you allow us and our partners to:

    • Extract and test your DNA.
    • Provide results and store your DNA data.
    • Use your information according to our Privacy Policy.

    1.4.4 Downloading Your DNA Data:

    Once you download your DNA data, it is your responsibility to protect and secure it.

    1.4.5 Special Cases:

    If you’ve received a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, your test results may be affected. We recommend that you do not take the test in such cases.

  1. Ancestry India DNA Content:

    We provide various types of content related to genetic testing, and its use is governed by these Terms and intellectual property laws.

    Apart from User Content (described below), all other materials on Ancestry India DNA’s services—such as text, graphics, images, logos, sounds, and software—are owned or licensed by us and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You are granted a limited license to copy and share some materials that are specifically made available for sharing (like articles or guides), as long as you:

    • Don’t remove any ownership or copyright information.
    • Don’t copy or post the materials on other websites or networks.
    • Don’t modify the materials.
    • Don’t use them for commercial purposes.

  2. Your Content:

    “User Content” refers to any information, data, text, photos, videos, messages, or other materials that users create and share through Ancestry India DNA’s services, whether publicly or privately. This does not include genetic or health information. To provide our services, we need permission to use your User Content, but we do not claim ownership of it.

    By submitting User Content, you give Ancestry India DNA, its partners, and affiliates a permanent, worldwide, royalty-free license to host, store, use, modify, and display your content. This means we can use your content in any way to help deliver and improve our services. You won’t be owed anything for this usage.

    Here’s what it means to give us permission:

    • You confirm you have the rights to your User Content and can legally give us permission to use it.
    • You keep any copyright or other rights to your content, but by sharing it through our services, you give us the license to use it.
    • You are fully responsible for your User Content, not Ancestry India DNA. We reserve the right to remove or edit any content that violates our terms or is found to be inappropriate.
    • You understand that you should not expect any financial benefit for sharing your content or information.

  3. Renewals and Cancellations:

    Your purchases and subscriptions are subject to our renewal and cancellation policies.

  4. Account Suspension or Termination:

    We may suspend or terminate your account if you violate these Terms. In such cases, refunds will not be provided unless required by law.

  5. No Guarantees:

    We provide the Services “as-is,” without any guarantees. We disclaim any responsibility for errors, accuracy, or availability of the content.

  6. Limited Liability:

    Ancestry India DNA is not liable for any damages arising from the use of our Services. Our total liability is limited to the amount you have paid us in the past 12 months.

  7. Indemnity:

    You agree to indemnify Ancestry India DNA and its affiliates for any claims arising from your use of the Services or your content.

  8. Third-Party Services:

    We may provide links to third-party services, but we are not responsible for their content or actions.

  9. Dispute Resolution:

    Disputes will be resolved through arbitration or small claims court, as permitted by law.

  10. Miscellaneous:

    We may update these Terms, and you agree to review and accept any updates. These Terms represent the entire agreement between you and Ancestry India DNA.

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