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The most common type of genetic asthma is allergic asthma. The risk of developing symptoms due to allergens in the atmosphere increases with certain genes. Some genes may also contribute to non-allergic asthma, which is less prevalent but often more severe and develops in later life.
There is currently no cure for asthma, whether it is a genetic condition or asthma developed by breathing in toxic fumes, dust, or other pollutants. However, you may control and alleviate your symptoms with the help of a variety of helpful drugs and lifestyle modifications.
It's important to avoid the controllable risk factors to keep asthma symptoms at bay. You may not be able to alter your genetic makeup or gender, but you may control your asthma symptoms by avoiding triggers like smoking, breathing in dirty air, and being overweight.
Genetic asthma can be passed on to your children; however, they’re not at 100% risk. There’s only a 25% chance of your child inheriting asthma from you. If you and your partner both have asthma, these chances increase by 50%.
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