Privacy Policy

Ancestry India DNA Privacy Statement
Effective: 21 August 2024


Ancestry India DNA, operating as a premier provider of genetic and ancestry-related services within the jurisdiction of India, is firmly committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of personal and genetic data. This Privacy Statement outlines the parameters of our data collection, usage, retention, and sharing practices, which are governed by relevant Indian laws, including but not limited to the Information Technology Act, 2000, and its associated regulations concerning sensitive personal data.

Guiding Principles

We adhere to the following key principles in handling your personal and genetic data:

  • Transparency: Our practices concerning the collection, processing, and sharing of personal data will be communicated clearly and comprehensively, ensuring full understanding by all users.
  • Simplicity: We endeavor to present information regarding our data policies in an accessible, albeit legally sound, manner, facilitating informed decision-making.
  • Control and Ownership: Ancestry India DNA retains exclusive ownership of all personal and genetic data collected. Users maintain limited control over the use and management of their own data, subject to the terms outlined herein.
  1. Data Collection

    Ancestry India DNA, through its services and operations, systematically collects two primary categories of data, with full recognition of their sensitivity:

    • Personal Information: Includes, but is not limited to, identifying data such as names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and financial information (e.g., payment methods, billing addresses).
    • Sensitive Personal Information: Defined under Indian law as data relating to genetic sequences, health data, and ancestry-related information. This includes genetic data extracted through DNA samples.

    The collection of such data is executed strictly for the purposes of providing genetic insights, ancestry reports, and related services, in full accordance with the prevailing laws and standards governing data protection and privacy.

  1. Consent and Data Usage

    Upon utilizing Ancestry India DNA’s services, you provide explicit, informed consent to the collection, processing, and analysis of your personal and genetic data. This data may be utilized for, but is not limited to, the following purposes:

    • Delivering personalized ancestry and health-related reports derived from genetic analysis.
    • Enhancing service offerings through research and data analytics aimed at improving genetic and ancestry services.
    • Facilitating participation in research initiatives, subject to separate and specific consent where applicable.

    The user further acknowledges that, notwithstanding the scope of their control over personal data, Ancestry India DNA retains full ownership and discretion over the handling, processing, and potential commercialization of data, as furthe detailed in subsequent sections.

  2. Retention of Biological Samples

    Biological samples, including but not limited to saliva or other bodily materials provided by the user, shall be retained by Ancestry India DNA in a secure biorepository, subject to the user’s explicit consent. Users may choose, through formal written request, to opt for the destruction of their biological samples post-analysis. Absent such a request, Ancestry India DNA reserves the right to retain said samples indefinitely for potential future testing, research, or commercial purposes, in compliance with applicable regulatory frameworks.

    The destruction of samples, once authorized by the user, will be irrevocable, and the company shall bear no responsibility for any data or insights that may have otherwise been derived from future analyses of the destroyed samples.

  3. Protection and Security

    The protection of personal and genetic data is undertaken with the utmost rigor through a combination of advanced technical, physical, and administrative safeguards. Ancestry India DNA employs encryption protocols, restricted access systems, and secure storage solutions to mitigate unauthorized access or breaches.

    Data will be stored exclusively within India, in compliance with local laws, including the IT Act, 2000, and any further amendments thereto. Ancestry India DNA continuously reviews its data security policies to ensure adherence to industry standards, comparable to the leading practices of domestic companies such as MapMyGenome and MedGenome.

  4. Sharing, Leasing, and Selling of Data

    The customer is strictly prohibited from engaging in any form of sale, lease, transfer, or sharing of personal or genetic data obtained through Ancestry India DNA’s services, whether directly or indirectly, without express written authorization from Ancestry India DNA. Any contravention of this prohibition shall be deemed a breach of contract, subjecting the customer to legal and financial penalties, including but not limited to immediate termination of services.

    Notwithstanding this restriction, Ancestry India DNA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to engage in the sale, lease, licensing, or sharing of anonymized or identifiable personal and genetic data with third parties. Such parties may include research institutions, commercial entities, or healthcare providers, provided that such actions are undertaken in compliance with Indian law and any applicable international regulations.

    Ancestry India DNA retains full ownership and control over the data collected, and reserves the right to engage in commercial transactions involving said data. The transfer, sale, or lease of data may occur for purposes deemed beneficial to scientific research, market expansion, or other legitimate business interests, subject to notification requirements as stipulated by law.


  5. User Rights

    In accordance with the applicable Indian data protection regulations, users are afforded certain rights with respect to their personal and genetic data, including but not limited to:

    • Right to Access: Users may request access to their personal data and genetic reports at any time, subject to the company’s verification of identity.
    • Right to Rectification: Users may request corrections or updates to any inaccuracies in their data.
    • Right to Erasure: Users may request deletion of their personal or genetic data; however, such deletions shall not apply retroactively to data already shared or sold under the terms of this Privacy Statement.
    • Right to Withdraw Consent: Users may withdraw consent for data processing at any time, except where such withdrawal contravenes legal or contractual obligations.


  6. Cookies and Tracking

    Ancestry India DNA employs cookies and similar tracking mechanisms to enhance the user experience. These technologies are used to collect non-personalized information regarding user behavior, site navigation, and preferences. Users may control or restrict the use of cookies via their browser settings, but doing so may impact the full functionality of the services provided.

  7. International Data Transfers

    Although data processing currently occurs solely within India, Ancestry India DNA reserves the right to transfer data internationally should business needs dictate. In such cases, all reasonable safeguards will be implemented to ensure compliance with Indian data protection laws, and users will be notified of any significant changes to data processing locations.

  8. Amendments to the Privacy Statement

    Ancestry India DNA reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Statement at its discretion, with or without prior notice to users. Any material changes will be communicated to users through appropriate channels, and continued use of the services following such updates will constitute acceptance of the revised terms.

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