Single Gene Disorders

Gene Mutations and Disorders

The Types and Causes of Single Gene Disorders

Monogenic or single-gene diseases are rare, with a prevalence of 0.004 to 0.005%. However, in India, the common practice of marriage within the community results in increased cases of rare diseases. India’s high genetic illness burden is directly proportional to the large population. The country reported 450 of the 5,000-8,000 uncommon genetic illnesses diagnosed worldwide. A 2018 News report revealed that 56 million individuals in the country suffer from single-gene disorders, also known as Mendelian disease.

Single-gene disorders occur due to mutations or variations of a specific gene that forms the DNA sequence. These disorders can have varying health consequences, ranging from mild to life-threatening conditions. Understanding how genes play a role in these diseases is essential for prudent family planning, early diagnosis, and effective management.

How Does Genetics Play A Role In Different Types Of Single Gene Disorders?

Different single-gene disorders cause different types of health abnormalities. Ancestry India DNA genetic testing can identify specific mutations responsible for particular single-gene diseases, which can be categorized under the following four types based on their inheritance patterns:

Recognizing If You Have Single Gene

Symptoms of single-gene disorders vary widely depending on the specific disorder but can include:

Genetic predisposition affects the severity and progression of these symptoms. For instance, individuals with Cystic Fibrosis often experience severe respiratory and digestive issues from a young age.

Genetic testing is essential for diagnosing single-gene disorders or the presence of mutant genes in a carrier. It involves analyzing DNA to identify specific mutations responsible for the disorder.

Genetic insights from Ancestry India DNA can enable personalized treatment plans. For example, individuals with genetic mutations causing metabolic disorders like Phenylketonuria (PKU) can make dietary adjustments to manage their condition effectively.

Genetic counseling and regular monitoring are crucial components of personalized care for those with single-gene disorders.

Plan Your Family’s Future With Ancestry India DNA


Genetic diseases from only one gene alteration are called single-gene or monogenic disorders. These conditions may develop when mutations change the structural proteins of the gene. Many families have a history of passing on single-gene illnesses to their children.

There are several single-gene disorders that are categorized based on their inheritance patterns:

  • Autosomal Dominant
  • Autosomal Recessive
  • X-linked
  • Y-linked

Single-gene disorders that are quite common around the world are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis, and Tay-Sachs.

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